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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Zero requires no hero

To merge with nothing,
to clash with nothing,
to move with nothing,
to crash with nothing
-this is the way of nothing.

wounds and mends,
adores and abhors
the way is to embrace nothing.

Regard your reflection
and nothing reflects you.
Proclaim your doctrine
and nothing carries the sound.
Attend to me and I and thou
and together we render nothing.
For nothing is everything
while essentially nothing.

Nothing was dying and nothing
showed up for nothings last breath.
Nothing was born and nothing
showed up for nothings first breath.

Alas, nothing was nothing.
Hail, nothing is nothing.
Amen, nothing on nothing.

I shall pay no homage to any deity,
or submit to any me other than Thee
for the ultimate reality is nothing.

When you are marooned in time
quicksand space, without an ace
to play, reason and rhyme fled
remember nothing is the matter.

When you forgot that you forgot,
and revel to reject, completely drunk
slurring you no longer fucking care,
remember nothing was the imbibed spirit.

Nothing sows, nothing reaps,
and states –all that just passed
a mere lusting for significance.
Bon voyage my sometimes friend
see what you are not
and the more we can be.

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