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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a poem

                                                FRANCHISE FOR SALE

I the chief of none, far from nothing
my feature pyroelectrical swirl
- thickly embedded around bilious blue.

Me, me, me which I would that be?

Smoggy, groggy, fated foggy - so suspect
of my residency in this trademark space.

I, that boss of some so-so franchise,
in this phenomenal terra familiar,
blatantly blat my interpretation
of my so-so this is me.

Pleading away -
it is I that leads away from me,
with me, for me
- odd allies in denial.

feast or fast, fray or flee
all reactions from the first fear
eternal recurrent
phantom circuit
fiery lying slacks in la-la waste.

Flipped upside down, in out space-time
she saunters through infinity
with one fluid gesture -
now on this stage.

She graces my left ear
with her crimson lips
and silently shouts -
you have been there and you been there

Hear dear, Here dear...

The bailiff bolts,
the megalith gesticulates,
the empire is under siege.

Then I speak, I always speak!
That I bombastically boast
of my special relationship with her;
She flares
and I am tossed back into in space-time
She is gone
I alone.

I wanna leave this cinema,
always the same shoddy show,
and in between each screening
reading the same old feature
in that flaking aged daily.

I purchased space in the announcement section
once upon, so long ago -
filled the grayish white
with desperate red ink.

I am here,
You remember,
You see me,

only i responded
that chief of none.

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