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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Denying the known and defying the unknown

That you are alone is a certain kind of madness that is easily remedied by seeing you are not. These words are time locks, anchoring us in abstractions where you and I can neither live nor love. We have become as Krishnamurti said ‘second-hand people’ feeding on the rotting carcases of inherited concepts.


  1. echo's, noise. specialized toys.
    These words neither live nor love.
    A hand pointing at something to see.

    Sense the presence of immensity while alone in an empty room. Let it take you's, and being whats left, be seen.

    Yearning is just a word to describe something. Beyond words what is yearning to the lover ?

    How does the heart see and know? How can I hear it clearly?

  2. two questions blab forth.....
    How can we enter into the inner union of work companions if not through ordinary abstract love or friendship developed during second hand peopling?
    Can one know in words the real laws of divine love which must be obeyed ?

  3. A work friend engages with what is, seeing, listening, hearing the pleasant and unpleasant and attended to in the momment. We would not go referential, or go hunting for a label of that person with whom we are engaging with. Ordinary friends are formulated and crystalized on a shared preference and have an unconscious contract to see that friend only in that window. Work friends are not enabler of unconscious slumber, where as friends are protectors of shared sleep. I am okay, you are okay is one of the ordinary friend mantras. The work friends inquire and one of their mantra is 'sensation on attention.' To obey is the root of listenng, to listen is to receive and true feelings shall arrive. As for divine love I have no capacity to speak of, I am quite far from finished!

  4. Excuse me a correction "attention on sensation", not "sensation on attention"

  5. there is also the danger of friends in the work
    believing because we are card holding members of a Work Group we are working. This is the disease of spiritual materialism, many times we get lost in- it being so attractive and all.
