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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Open Circuit Closed Circuit

Two couples different responses! One expands, the other contracts - it is all in the looking!
In the Devil card he looks at her, and she looks at us, neither of them see the power that controls them. In the love card he looks at her and she looks above and acknowledge the presence above.
Sans the sacrement of the above no love!


  1. what posture enabled you to unlock this encoding?

    The not looked at devils flaming wand seems to be lit by the chained horny mans flaming tail as he looks, head cocked and hand on hip, at chained horny her of fruiting tail, his hand outstretched!

  2. Wow, great question but i do not recall the posture, but wow the question requires me to inquire- thank you! Two of your words (posture and encoding) lead me to volutarize those postures and see if they point to certain embedded codes which influence the way I see.
